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The Dragon Brides

Available on Amazon Vella or Amazon Kindle

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Fire: Part 1

 Click here and read the first 3 episodes for FREE of the complete first part.

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Fire: Part 2

Seraphina's adventure continues on Amazon Vella! Mated to a dragon, Serafina must choose: love or revenge.



Claimed by a dragon against her will! Serafina despises the dragons who invaded her world, as well as the dragon mark she carries, signifying she's one of the Chosen.


A dragon bride.


Instead of submitting, she chooses to fight them, until her dragon's bondservant, Kai, finds her. Captures her. Forces her to submit to both him and his dragon. Little does he know, she has the power to destroy all dragons, just as they destroyed her soul sister. Vengeance or love? Decisions, decisions!

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Fire: Part 3

Seraphina's adventure continues on Amazon Vella! Mated to a dragon, Serafina must choose: love or revenge.

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Fire: Part 4

Seraphina's adventure continues on Amazon Vella! Mated to a dragon, Serafina must choose: love or revenge.

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