Meet Dare O'Dell
The Truth . . .
I'm not really Dare O'Dell. There. That's The Truth.
So who am I?!?
Under a different top-secret name (Day Leclaire!), I am the author of nearly 75 contemporary romances. I'm also a multi-award winning USA Today bestselling author, and recipient of more than 10 RITA nominations. (That's the romance industries top award for excellence.)
Okay, so what's the frigging deal? Why the new name?
I'm now Dare O'Dell because the contemporary romance books I've written are sexy, but they're not this sexy. They don't use those words. The no-no words. The sexy no-no words. Love scenes that are extremely graphic and explicit. My contemporary romances are steamy, but not like these. The bottom line is . . . . I don't want to disappoint readers. If I use one name for both types of books someone is going to be unhappy. I'd like to avoid that. Reasonable?
Truth #2:
My Dare O'Dell dragon books are initially launching on Amazon Vella HERE. Then I'll be releasing my Alien Romances, starting with the Alien Mating Auction. I haven't decided whether those books will be released on Amazon Vella or through Amazon's Kindle Unlimited. I'll post on the website as soon as they're ready to be released. That's the goal I've set myself and I hope you'll stay in touch and encourage me along the way. I'd love it if you'd follow me on this new adventure. In order to remain updated, please join my newsletter. I plan to release approximately two newsletters a month that will recommend favorite book I've read recently and any great sales I come across in the alien romance genre, along with release dates for my own books. I'll also include snippets of my first book to introduce The Alien Mating Auction: The Krymmerians to you.
If there's anything I can do . . .
I want you to visit on a regular basis. So, if there's anything you'd like me to add to my website or include in my blog or website, drop me a line at: Dare@DareODell.com. I really want to get to know you!